Profile PictureString Nguyen

hey founders + creators in web2/3 !! Let's clean your shitty profiles to build your personal brand

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You have a shitty profile, as you're:
💩 too busy to focus (but you're awesome at what you do)
💩 unclear with your messaging (more clarity means more deal flow and opportunities)
💩 not using social effectively(but you want to use leverage the power of social media)

So, with String's guidance... Get the push that you need to CLEAN up your profile.

Here are the other benefits:
🍗hang with String, she's awesome at branding and marketing
🍗 the first 10 buyers will gain a video feedback from String

How much time do I need to clean up my shit?
With each video, there's formula and easy step to complete. All you need is 30mins or less to focus.

Whether you're a creator, founder in web2 or web3... invest in you and your next big thing.

The 3 social channels of focus:
- LinkedIn
- Instagram
- Twitter

What do you learn... here's my framework:
1. Visuals: let's update your profile pic on your three social channels
2. Values: let's align your belief system to your vision
3. Vision: let's update your tagline/positioning statement (yeah, I got a formula for you)
4. Voice: what content and messages can we create that aligns with your vision and values.
5. Volk (as in folks): who are your tribe? let's connect with minimum of 10 folks.
6. Voice again: open your phone, and publish on 3 channels
7. Validation & Victory: Hi5, let me review and record feedback for you

Here's the thing about me...
I value my knowledge and I like sharing things that you can apply for yourself.

Great branding helped me:
- gain a following of 100,000 on multiple channels
- funding for my businesses
- recruiting talented folks
- access to decision makers

I love to help you update and clean up your profiles.

**NOTE: the price will go up to $60 in next 24 hours,.
Prices slowly goes up when String updates her content. She's expecting all the video to be update by end of Friday 12th August.

If you like a discount code, dm String directly.

BTW, it's not an on-going cost, but a once off payment. But the more you delay to pay, the more the price will go up over time.

What do I gain once I enter and pay the one off fee:
1x checklist to complete your task
7x videos
5-10 templates + resources

There will be videos, worksheets and stuff to help you. i'm okay to refund you or review your profile and personally update all 3 of your profiles.

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21 sales

You'll get

7 Videos
5 Templates
1 checklist
String's personal video review
Limited to first 10 buyers
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hey founders + creators in web2/3 !! Let's clean your shitty profiles to build your personal brand

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